explorefaith.org Reflections Newsletter
April 26, 2006

Welcome to this week's explorefaith.org Reflections Newsletter!

In this issue
  • Meditate with Poetry
  • Reflections for Your Journey
  • Can the Gospel of Judas Say Anything to Jews?
  • On the Balcony with Dr. King

  • Reflections for Your Journey
    Reflections for Your Journey

    The Yoke That Frees
    How can the desire to be resurrected--to be delivered from hardness of heart--be fulfilled short of joining a monastery?

    Jesus gives us the answer. "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and gentle in heart and you will find rest for your souls."

    The Sanskrit word for yoke is yuga and literally means 'that which joins.'

    Jesus names what we cannot name. "Come to me," he says. "Get into the yoke with me. Be joined to me.

    Walk alongside me, in tandem, and you will find the fulfillment your soul is looking for."

    We need only two things to be resurrected: the desire that is yet unmet in our hearts, and the willingness to risk going to Jesus to fulfill that desire.

    by Renée Miller
    from "Jesus Is Here, Resurrecting the Cracked and Hardened Heart"

    Can the Gospel of Judas Say Anything to Jews?
    In the News and ON OUR MINDS

    So what, if anything, might it matter to Jews if the recently discovered Gospel of Judas reports a different account of the one who allegedly betrayed Jesus?

    Isn't this really just something of interest to biblical scholars and curious Christians? ...

    by Caren Goldman
    from "Can the Gospel of Judas Say Anything to Jews?"

    On the Balcony with Dr. King
    Billy Kyles

    Thirty-eight years ago this month, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. An eyewitness tells us what that day has meant to him.

    For many, many years, I must tell you, I wondered why was I there?

    Of all the places I could have been, of all the places he could have been, all the things we could have been involved in, why was I there at that moment in history?

    And God revealed it to me over the years. I was there to be a witness, and my witness has to be true. ...

    by The Rev. Dr. Billy Kyles
    from "On the Balcony with Dr. King"

    Meditate with Poetry
    Meditate with Poetry

    Poetry takes us into that place of deep feeling that leads to prayer.

    by Jane Kenyon

    I got out of bed
    on two strong legs.
    It might have been
    otherwise. ...

    Copyright ©2005
    by the Estate of Jane Kenyon

    by Helen Schucman

    It happens suddenly.
    There is a Voice
    That speaks one Word,
    and everything is changed. ...

    From The Gifts of God
    Copyright ©2000 Foundation for A Course in Miracles

    by R.T. Smith

    "I'll get it directly," she'd say,
    meaning soon,
    meaning, when I can,
    meaning, not
    yet, be patient,
    the world don't turn upon
    your every need and whim. ...

    Copyright ©2003 R.T. Smith

    Meditate with Poetry
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