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Signposts: Daily Devotions

Written by William A. Kolb

Monday, October 18

O God…I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.
—Psalm 51:14

God forgives. God forgives anything, believe it or not. God knows every corner and crevice of our heart and understands, so much better than we can, why we do, think and feel the things we do. God understands and forgives. We need only to receive his great mercy, his pardon.

Forgiveness means that God loves us in a consistent, level way at all times, even when we might think that we don’t deserve that love. God’s love can’t be deserved; it is totally a gift that cannot be earned. I have a plaque on my wall that says, “Bidden or Not Bidden, God is Present.” Always present.

The only thing that can get between us and God’s forgiving love is us. God gives us the freedom to refuse his love. When we are ready to turn and receive the glow of his caring presence once more (or for the first time), God will be there; God will never abandon us.

God’s forgiveness and love are precious gifts that are always available. They are like gasoline for a car, flowing into us as soon as we open our “gas cap.” They are always within reach, ready to fill a void or emptiness in us, posed to close our gaps as soon as we turn and open ourselves to their presence.

We are home free when it comes to being loved by our Creator. No matter where we are in our lives, we are but one moment away from the completeness of being brimful with cosmic nurture.

O Lord, turn me towards your light and your love, that I may be whole. Amen.

These Signposts originally appeared on explorefaith in 2006.