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Good Enough
Be still and know that I am God.

"Look at that," she said. "I don't even know what that means." I thought she was going to cry.

It means just what it says. STOP. Stop doing, stop talking. Take time to be still, to breathe, to grieve. In stillness and quiet, we are much more likely to draw near to God, to know God, and in turn ourselves. Everywhere I go, people say they are exhausted. We have forgotten that rest is one of the 10 Commandments.

This does not mean we are to deny our gifts and talents. Jesus never condemned a person's abilities. It is good to preach and teach well; healings are great blessings, to the healed and to the healer; and there are ministries that really do bring the kingdom of God closer to people. We are to use our talent, not use it up!

The point is to do these things quietly and well, not to be noticed and praised. The best advice I ever heard about preaching was from Francis of Assisi who told a young monk, "Preach always; use words, if necessary."

--The Rev. Margaret Jones
from "Good Enough"

Good Enough

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