Searching for God
Six Reflections on
Meaning of Lent

Leaving the Land of the Dead
by Dr. Marcus J. Borg

Journaling during Lent
Click here for a Guided Process for Journaling
during Lent


First Reflection Second Reflection Third Reflection Fourth Reflection Fifth Reflection Sixth Reflection

First Reflection

This is what the season of Lent is about, about being born again, about following the path of death and resurrection, about participating in Jesus' final journey. To
become somewhat more concrete, some of us may need to die to specific things in our lives--perhaps to a behavior that has become destructive or dysfunctional, perhaps to a relationship that has ended or gone bad, perhaps to an unresolved grief or to a stage in our life that it is time to leave, perhaps to our self-preoccupation, or even to a deadness in our lives (you can die to deadness.) It is possible to leave the land of the dead. So, the journey of Lent is about being born again--about dying and rising, about mortality and transformation.

Marcus Borg On Ash Wednesday, we Christians are traditionally reminded of our own mortality in a very vivid way, as the ashes are marked on our foreheads in the sign of the cross. In the sign of the cross we hear the words spoken over us, "Dust thou art and to dust thou wilt return." This is a reminder not just of our physical mortality, but of the very path of Lent itself. We begin this season of Lent not only reminded of our death but marked for death, and that path of death is about our transformation.

The journey of Lent is about being born again by participating in the death and
resurrection of Jesus, about that journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. The journey of
Lent with its climax in Good Friday and Easter, is about embarking on the way of
Jesus on that path of mortality and transformation that is at the very center of the
Christian life. When you think of it, who of us does not yearn for this? Who of us does not yearn for a fuller connection to life? Who does not yearn for an identity
that releases us from anxiety and self-preoccupation?
To be born again, it seems to me, corresponds to our deepest yearning. May we this Lent experience that internal transformation that is at the center of the Christian life. May we experience being born again.

--from "Born Again" by Dr. Marcus Borg
Read "Born Again" in its entirety.

Copyright ©2002 Dr. Marcus J. Borg


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