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> April 5, 2006 Reflections Newsletter> "The Seeds of Our Soul"


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The Seeds of Our Soul
The Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems

Excerpted from "The Seasons of Our Faith: Lessons Learned in a Garden" - a homily delivered during the Lenten Noonday Preaching Series at Calvary Episcopal Church, Memphis, TN, on March 30, 2000.

Gardening has a lot to teach us. It teaches you to pay attention to the seasons, the weather, the atmosphere, your environment, nature. You learn that seasons are not stages, they are not linear, nor are they necessarily chartable. They do not begin and end at predictable times. ...

Likewise with your soul, likewise with your life. Your life goes through seasons, seasons that cannot be charted, seasons that are not necessarily linear. You have to pay attention to realize and to be attuned to when you’re moving into a new season. ...

We know that a new one is upon us by noticing the changes in the texture of what is going on inside of us.

It’s a new season in your life. Songs that used to make you cry no longer move you; songs that never used to move you, now make you cry. ...

One of the most important things I have learned from gardening magazines is that regardless of which bulb I choose, inside every bulb is everything it needs to become what it was created to be. The daffodil bulb has everything it needs to become a daffodil. The tulip has the specific nutrients and seedlings within it that it needs to become a tulip and not a daffodil. ...

Likewise with each one of us, everything you need to become who you really are supposed to be is already in you.

Your destiny has already been imprinted in your soul. All you’re looking for is the right place to be planted; the right amount of light, the right amount of water.

But who you are supposed to be, who God created you to be, what you are supposed to be doing is already in you. It's not out there. It’s like that daffodil bulb. It’s already in you, and your purpose in life is to find out your purpose in life. ...

There is an old Hasidic tale in which a Jewish rabbi says "When you die and go to heaven and meet your Maker, your Maker is not going to ask you why didn’t you discover the cure for such and such? Why weren’t you a leader? Why weren’t you successful? Why didn’t you become more?

The only question that will be asked of you is, why didn’t you become YOU? Why didn’t you stay true to yourself? Why didn’t you feel good about yourself?

Why did you pretend to be something or someone you weren’t? Why weren’t you proud of who I made you to be? Why didn’t you ever get to know who you were supposed to be? Why didn’t you listen to Me with your soul? Why were you afraid to step out? Why didn’t you become YOU?"

Copyright ©2000 The Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems

Excerpted from "The Seasons of Our Faith: Lessons Learned in a Garden" - a homily delivered during the Lenten Noonday Preaching Series at Calvary Episcopal Church, Memphis, TN, on March 30, 2000.


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