Calvary Episcopal Church

Memphis, Tennessee

The First Sunday in Lent
March 12, 2000
Volume 45, No.11

Sustained in the Sacred Way
For this Chronicle article, I decided to reflect on a prayer that comes out of the Native American tradition. So often, Native Americans and their contributions to the Anglican faith go unrecognized. So, here's an opportunity for us to be drawn into Native American spirituality. Here's a collect entitled, Sustained in the Sacred Way:

Great Spirit, whose breath I feel in the wind, whose voice I hear in the birds, whose eyes I see in the children, listen to us. You are the God of all our yesterdays, all our todays, and all our tomorrows. You know the plans you have for all your people. Show to us your will in the life of your church. Give to our eyes that sight to see the sacred way you have prescribed for us. Teach us to walk in the footsteps of your Son, the Chief of chiefs. May our hearts beat as one with yours. You make all things new. May all creation rejoice in the new way you are preparing for us in your church, in the name of our brother, Jesus Christ.
Allied Indian Metis Society
~Allen F. Robinson+

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